Jan 24, 2011

Type "A" Personalities and Yoga

This is an expanded version of a response to a blog on YogaJournal.com

Type "A" Yoga Girl

We want to know: Is there truth to this stereotype? Do you think Type A personalities are more attracted to yoga than other types? Does this ad offend you--or make you laugh?

Expanded Response

I teach a Body-typing system based on the Elements, and being an avid yogini, I have considered this Type "A" question often. I am not offended by this ad at all- it is a great example for the system that I teach.

In this system of body-typing, the Type "A" person is called a Fire-type. They will "blaze a trail" in nearly anything they do and their flames are hard not to notice. This can be productive for these types as they need to "let off steam" and redirect energy. I observe that these types need to "burn-off" more energy, emotions, etc. than others. This tends to help them feel more balanced, but there is such thing as too much, and this is a fine balance that we have to find within ourselves.

There are many kinds of yoga ranging from supportive chair yoga, to consistently active Vinyasa and demanding Power Yoga. I don't think it's just Type "A" people who are drawn to yoga, there are many types who regularly "do" yoga, they just don't stand out as much as a Fire-Type "A" person. Fire-types can really gain benefit when they graduate from just the physical aspects of yoga and learn to maintain a balanced fire, rather than (what Fire-types usually do) stoking the fire within with imbalancing food, exercise, work, activities, and not stopping to realize the effects until they experience "burn-out."

So, the ad that the original YogaJournal blog is questioning, depicts a young woman briskly walking to her yoga class with a rolled mat and supplies in a sling on her back.

I say, we are all on a path, and hopefully this path is leading us to greater love and compassion, for others and ourselves. BALANCE!

I am true to my Airy-nature. I like to mix-it-up. Although I am not into Power Yoga- it's a bit too demanding for me, which I now comfortably accept through my study and understanding of Body-typing.

Yes, Fire-types AKA Type "A's" are drawn to Power Yoga!  Are you one of them?  What are your thoughts?

Take the Body-type Assessment and learn more about Body-typing in the book  
You-niversal Self-care: Improved Health Through Self-Understanding   
at  TarasBook.com

1 comment:

  1. I love how comfortable you are with yourself! We can all learn from you. This is a great post!


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