Jan 16, 2008

Word! Traps or Trapezius

There are so many words in our daily lexicon that have multiple meanings. Here is a new look at the words trapezius and its abbreviated version 'traps'.

The trapezius- muscles are often referred to as 'traps'. This large pair of muscles are responsible for raising the shoulders, drawing the shoulders towards the midline, and pulling the shoulder blades down.

Many people experience tension in their shoulders and upper back. Is it no wonder that since the primary muscle that covers these areas (there are more, but this is a major one) is called 'traps' that it seems to trap all sorts of tension and stress?

The mind and body work in unison. When a person says the word 'trap' the mind thinks of it in the most logical term - for English speakers, most of us would think of a physical trap meant to catch something. The body knows you are talking about that part of your body - the trapezius. It is easy to see then, why we can 'carry so much weight on our shoulders'- the mind and body think that the trapezius is a trap.

Try it for a while- call it what it is! trapezius!


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