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You Cleanse Should be Right for Your Body-type TarasBook.com |
My first Cleanse was a simple elimination regimen. To others, this may not technically be a Cleanse, but by omitting the foods that were causing inflammation in my body, my body moved into a state of homeostasis and healing.
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Cleansing Doesn't Have to be Like Climbing a Mountain. TarasBook.com |
In this post I will talk about Cleansing in regard to Body-typing; as I found along my wellness journey, and by observing others, there can be more harm than good caused by Cleansing by forcing the body to cleanse in a way that is not suited for their Body-type.
I have a liberal definition of "Cleansing".
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Cleansing is Much Easier with the Right Cleanse . . . TarasBook.com |
For some people, simply omitting gluten or dairy can help a person's body to naturally cleanse itself and heal.
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A simple Way to Cleanse - Drink lots of Water! |
When a person has a lot of dis-ease showing up, a more in-depth Cleanse may be appropriate, with the guidance of a trusted health-wellness practitioner.
An educated health-wellness practitioner should take into account not only your current condition, but also your nutritional needs and your constitution/Body-type. This is not medical advice.
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What is the Right Cleanse for You? TarasBook.com |
Here are some things to keep in mind when considering the cleanse that is right for you:
Learn 'your' Body-type and more about Body-typing with the Free Assessment from my Book!
Learn 'your' Body-type and more about Body-typing with the Free Assessment from my Book!
Earth-types- This type of person is the type that most benefits from regular cleansing. Their body is most likely to have symptoms of stagnation, and like stagnant water, lack of movement within the body creates a prime breading ground for "bugs". This type tends to easily and readily build mucous. Cleanses that focus on stimulating the body to move toxins out and also break up mucous are very helpful. Also, if I were a person with a lot of Earthy characteristics I would avoid cleanses that are mostly fruit juice (with the Master Cleanse being the exception, do reduce maple syrup) as sweet and starchy foods, no matter their purity, can exacerbate an Earthy condition. Focusing on green vegetables and stimulating external cleansing techniques such as colonics or hot/cold therapy for example, can be very helpful.
Fire-types- Cleanses that focus on cooling the body heat work well. Simple juice cleanses are well-suited for the Fire-type. I have seen and heard it helping to: lower blood pressure, regulate cholesterol; relieve: tension, inflammation, skin issues; indigestion including ulcers and acid reflux, diabetes and other heat-related issues.
Air-types- Having a lot of Air-type characteristics, I have a lot to share on this topic. If you also have a lot of Air or Water characteristics, cleansing can be a very un-grounding experience; but, Air-types can still benefit from cleansing despite the experience tending to be imbalancing by nature to the Air-type. What to keep in mind for the Air-type cleanse is: consume nutrient-dense foods, don't go too long without dietary fats; while traditionally the best times to cleanse are in the seasons of transition i.e. Spring and Autumn, the Air-type feels most grounded in the Summer weather/months and therefor will have a more balanced experience- especially if doing a juice cleanse. Simple bone broth and vegetable soup cleanses can be helpful due to their warming and moisturizing nature. Broths and soups can contain oils that are so helpful for Air-types as well as giving the digestive system a nice break.
Water-types- If you have a lot of Water-type tendencies I would also pay attention to your secondary dominant "type" and perhaps choose a cleanse that is suited for that type. Be mindful of a very liquid-dominant cleanse, cleansing during rainy or wet seasons, and cleansing at times of transition in your life- all of which are dominant in the Water Element. If you have a lot of Water-type tendencies and you feel stuck; this is a good time to shake things loose by cleansing- and flow!
The objective of Cleansing is to find balance (although admittedly it can feel like quite the opposite is happening in the process)- it is important to be diligent about doing what needs to be done for one's health whether it means pushing on or letting back a bit.
As I say in my book,
"It's about learning to work with your body, not on it!"
P.S. You also may be interested . . .
I have heard of people not only losing weight (the common reason people do a "Cleanse"), but also heal from Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and much more. Great resources to see examples of this are the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead and Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days.
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