Mar 22, 2015

Health and Wellness Events in the Twin Cities Area 2015

Warm sun, gentle breezes, lush greenery, gentle exercise, great companionship and talking about health . . . could it get much better?

Talking about Cleansing Simply: Body typing and feeling balance with "your" foods, exercise, herbs and patterns; and your questions!

Dates, locations and details on website
Stay updated via  Facebook (see Events tab) or Twitter

Dates and times not lining up?
Request a Wellness Walk for your group.

The Walks and Talks will be especially geared for those who have just begun their wellness journey and those who are looking for help disseminating all the information that is out there and understanding what their own body needs.

Walks will be at local parks, most are on paved trails.

I look forward to walking and talking with you!