Dec 28, 2013

New Years Resolutions - I'm a Fire-type ("Type-A'") Why am I not Achieving my Goals?

Fire-types are the classic "Type A" personality. They seem to easily create success from very simple plans.

Does this mean that Fire-types always achieve their goals? If they don't, it's usually not for the lack of trying.

So, just for the sake of prevention, how does a Fire-type secure his or her success?

Often times the Fire-type is so revved up they lack a plan for their success. These often quick-footed people seem to gain their composure well even as they trip over their own feet, but no doubt, taking some time to plan can help to ensure success!

Fire-type, listen closely . . . Take some time to plan, and take some time off.

"What!?" The Fire-type says (usually with a few more colorful words).


Fire-Types get into trouble when they bite off more than they can chew or burn the candle at both ends for too long. They are so full of vim and vigor that they will last most of the year with a clear focus on their goal and solid achievements along the way. If the Fire-type stumbles it's usually because the details they skirted over have caught up to them.

Keep your momentum. Keep going as you naturally do - you inspire others while in the process. Be sure to also enjoy the view along your journey; take in the landscape, not just for the sake of taking a break and communing with nature, but to see the bumps and holes that can be avoided.

Achieve Balance:

Take some time with your Air-type friend for some sound planning. When you need to just relax for a while, go to some funky concert or eclectic art show with your Water-type friend or just hang out with a down-to-Earth-type buddy.

We are all a combination of the Body-types: to discover more take the #1 Body-type Test in the menu to the right.

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