Dec 16, 2013

How do I really tell you "About Me"?

Not only is talking about oneself challenging but . . .

How does a person summarize oneself in an "About Me" page.

I don't know . . .

A single page that lists my favorite movie, book, quote, background seems so, well, linear. Don't get me wrong- I love lists, but not when it comes to developing connections with people.

As I pondered this what occurred to me is that I can share about myself through each of my posts and will share some specific "About Me" posts that go way beyond a basic bio. I want to feel like we are having more of a conversation than just me talking to you. I want to connect with you.

Let's start with some basics . . .

Since most people stumble upon my work because they are seeking healthy, wellness, body-type information . . . I'll answer the question . . . "Were you always this healthy?"

The truth is, no!

As a youngster, I was blessed with a troubled body. Blessed? Why do I say "blessed"? Because I learned so much about myself that I likely would not have otherwise. And, it's such a pleasure for me to share what I've learned from my health and wellness journey to help others.

The fear, anxiety, frustration and depression I experienced through my body most people don't experience until middle age, later, or perhaps never. Childhood is usually our most healthy and vibrant time of life.

In my 30's I feel so much happier in my body and healthy than ever before. I can truly say I feel healthier each year!

I experienced what would now be labeled as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Celiac Disease. I also had very painful skin issues: the skin on my hands and feet would crack and bleed no matter how much of  or which brand of cream I applied. It would hurt to walk or wash my hands. My skin was generally so dry that most clothing rubbed and caused great discomfort.

As I share in the opening of my book, You-niversal Self-care, I was also overweight for a good portion of my childhood. When people see me right now they don't believe me, but I have weighed over 100 pounds since I was 9 years old. The average 9 year-old weighs 60 pounds!

I remember, in third grade, returning to the classroom after going to the nurse's office to be weighed and have our height measured for records. As we returned to the classroom I was consoling a friend who had just learned that she weighed 72 pounds. I was comforting her, while I had just learned that I weighed over 100 pounds!

Why does this matter? I didn't even know the answer to this until recently. Sharing this (and more as I do in my book) is important because I have known and experienced for quite some time what it's like to experience hardship in regards to health.

When a person experiences difficulties with health, it's about much more than their physical state. There are emotions to deal with and probably, most challenging, the reactions or opinions (or perceived reactions and opinions) of others. I understand what it takes as well as the hurdles and victories of addressing physical and emotional challenges.

I can happily say that I no longer experience any of these conditions. I was able to get to the bottom of the physical and emotion root of theses issues.

It took years to improve my digestion, my diet and mental and emotional state to have a much more stable and healthy body.

I can now help others have much quicker success.

The biggest lesson I continue to learn is that no degree of forcing oneself is as successful as having and showing self-compassion.

I teach how to genuinely develop self-compassion - which leads to overall Wellness.

I welcome you to join me for your journey!


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