Oct 14, 2009

Body-typing and Blood-typing

This is not in my book- but I've been asked many times if there is a correlation between the body-types and blood-types.

For over a decade the book, Eat Right for your Blood Type has been causing waves in the natural health community. Some practitioners claim that the results are unfounded, others rave of the results of balanced health that they and their clients have achieved. In my personal experience, and in my observation and work with others, I have found the Blood Type Diet to be quite founded and useful- this is my basis for mentioning it in this book.

One can easily obtain the knowledge of their blood type (A, B, O or AB for the following) if they have ever been in the hospital or donated blood. Shortly after donating blood for the first time the donor will receive a card with their specific blood type indicated on it. A simple call can be made to the clinic that one uses to obtain the information of blood type. If neither of these are a resource, one may request a simple blood test.

The following is based on my experience and observation of myself, friends, family and clients.

Taking into account that we are all a combination of all of the types we can open our minds into exploring the possibility that there is a correlation of the four elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire) and the four genotypes (A, AB, O, B).

Something to also consider is the possibility of the affect the “dormant gene” that lies within our blood genotype. If we are blood type A or B we may show the characteristics of blood type O since we may have a dormant O gene since it is recessive to the A and B allele. Likewise, blood type AB can and often does show characteristics of both genotypes- even in Dr. D’Adamo’s studies.

I highly recommend reading Dr. D’ Adamo’s books if this subject interests you. What I am about to illustrate is based on what I have observed, having roots in body-typing, blood-typing and other similar studies. For more specifics on the blood typing please refer to Dr. D’ Adamo’s book and/or website. His sources go into much more detail.

I think that the blood type diet is valid for most people because it focuses on what is best for the person. I appreciate that studies have been done to show the cultural correlations to the blood types which one can easily connect to and understand the evolution of the peoples’ digestive systems and bodies to the environments. Where does your cultural heritage stem from? For most of us in the U.S., we are the descendents of several different cultures. This is why Body-typing can be so much more helpful for us. We don’t have the rich cultural traditions of several generations of one culture. We are the melting pot- growing towards even greater diversity. I personally enjoy diversity and the many new things it brings before me to observe, but it can also be distracting- taking us away from recognizing and administering to our individual self.

This book (originally a part of a draft of my book, You-niversal self-care) is meant to shed light on the subject of typing in several areas in which it can be used. My focus is not to go into detail, but give some food for thought. Observe yourself a little bit further.

Blood Type O

Type O seems to most correlate with the Fire and Air type. Blood type O is the oldest blood type, having had to endure and persevere years to survive. They were the early hunters and gatherers, living off of wild game, nuts, berries roots and the like. They developed strong stomach acids to digest such dense foods- showing a strong internal fire. The desire for meat was more a desire of necessity, rather than the craving that a modern-day Fire type may experience. Vigorous and heavy exercise keep this type fit and in optimal health, which is not often a concern for these types when they engage in such activity as a matter of a way of life. They most often had to migrate with the wild herds as well- walking, a steady activity that is very balancing for an Air type. Neither the Fire nor the Air type have much of an issue of being mobile, unlike the grounded Earth type.

They were the ones who discovered fire and drove themselves to evolve, to later become the herdsmen, agriculturists and cultivators.

Blood Type A

Type A blood types are the cultivators and agronomists. They live of the Earth. This Earth type can most easily survive on a vegan diet- without any meat, dairy or something that had or came from something that had a face or a mother.

Blood Type B

Blood type B most correlates with the Water element. The blood type B people evolved into animal husbandry, herding, milking animals and utilizing the land for grazing. Blood type B is the allele most likely to be able to digest the milk sugar lactose. This makes a lot of sense given “modern” mover towards using and creating foods from animals’ milk. Water is in a constant state of change- always moving towards the lowest source towards the oceans, evaporating or sublimating to once again become precipitation- always flowing in a change. A Water type culture would do very well with routine: grazing animals on fresh pasture daily, cultivating fruits, vegetables and herbs, caring for animals and the land. These people tend to feel best eating vegetarian options, occasionally including fish. Their emotional abundance often brings them very close to their animals, from whom they will create delectable creations, but hardly have the will to make into dinner. These people tend to be hearty people, similar to the Earth type, but are often flow with change more easily.

Blood Type AB

This type is simply a combination of the characteristics of the Earth and Water type. They tend to have propensity towards being very grounded, steady and have very deep emotions.

I think it is important to once again note that we are all a unique combination of the body-types and indeed, the blood types.

If a person is blood type B they may totally relate to the description above, except that occasionally they really feel the need to have some meat, particularly fish. This innate desire for meat may be indicated in the recessive O allele which submits to the dominant B. This person may be primarily an Earth/Water person but occasionally show some significant Fire traits, including desiring meat on occasion.

This may also explain why some people seem very healthy and contented living on fruits, vegetables and nuts while others would feel that they were wasting away on such food choices. The aforementioned person may be a strong Earth type- blood type AA (A) or AB. Blood type AA would mean that they do not have the recessive or “dormant” characteristics of type O. This “super agrarian” type may feel great and do very well on foraged and cultivated food whereas a person with type O, Fire or Air characteristics may need and desire sustenance with more “substance” like meat.

This is “food for thought”.

Take the Body-type assessment and observe your Body-type and Blood-type correlation!

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