Dec 9, 2007

How my blog began

Yesterday we had our last advanced teacher yoga training for 500- hour Yoga Alliance certification. It was a sweet ending of a 2-year study, made less difficult knowing that basically everyone would be back the next month for Masters Yoga Classes with our fabulous teacher, Laura Erdman-Luntz.

This group of 9 ladies is a wonderfully inspiring group to me. We have spent many afternoons talking about family, spirituality, yoga, cooking, etc. My journey in learning about health and wellness peaked while studying with this group. They have been a terrific catalyst for me, posing questions and concerns upon which I could research and report back.

So yesterday was the day, upon hearing about all of the amazing things that they have learned and seen and done with blogs, that I decided to create a blog. And, with one final nudge from Karen ;-) that was it!

Here I am! You lucky readers get to read a bit of what goes on in my mind concerning health and wellness throughout the day. May it serve you well!

The majority of my postings will be on the topics listed in my bio.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts as, what I have learned has helped me to improve my health as well as others'.

It inspires me tremendously to learn, share and have the possibility to help others. May these thoughts act like seeds that grow and blossom when needed in your life.

With love, truly Tara B


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I am so appreciative that you have created a space to share all of your vast and deep knowledge of so many things that I find fascinating. I look forward to each post. -K

  2. Way to go Tara! I look forward to reading! Marya

  3. I am looking forward to reading all of your amazing thoughts. Good for you!


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