May 19, 2014

How the Body Tells us What it Needs

My body is my natural and traditional medicine lab. And I love experimenting!

As I learn more about herbs, traditional medicine and healthy movement I'm amazed by how much they intertwine.

The longer I do dance and yoga I see how the way my muscles respond also indicate how well I am functioning internally physically and emotionally.

It's fairly common knowledge that if you have sore muscles you may be lacking in minerals such as the proper balance of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

What if you have chronically sore muscles and no type of adjusting or stretching seems to help?

Certain groups of muscles correlate with certain organs and even emotions.

A tight psoas can mean that you are holding onto fear. This can cause constipation, IBS and painful menstruation due to lack of blood circulation. This large muscle group begins up by the kidneys; so the affects of a fear-stricken psoas can also cause frequent urination and a generally depleted feeling.

Here are a few other examples how other muscles, organs and emotions relate:

Diaphragm - Digestion/Respiration (taking in an expelling) and Decision-making/Will
Heart - Respiration and how we Regulate Emotion
Lower back - Large Intestines - Energy levels and Self-confidence

When my dance teacher coaches me to extend my lower back more; I also interpret my body to be telling me to recharge myself with some physical rest which will boost my self-confidence as well.

If I am having a hard time deciding what to make for dinner; is it my body saying that it does not have the energy to digest any thoughts or decisions?

I think yes, it does!

It seems overly simplistic, but that's the beauty of natural health. Since the body cannot speak to us directly, it does so through the poetic means of metaphor.

Mother Nature helps us again by artistically showing us myriad remedies that can help by the Doctrine of Signatures - plants that look like the affected area often help such organs and parts of the body.

But that's the topic of another fascinating post :)

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