Jan 16, 2014

What is Cabin Fever?

I don't know if there is a scientific explanation, but through my metaphoric glasses I can really see what is happening!

Cabin Fever- when you've grown so restless and anxious from being cooped up inside. No amount of walking the malls or in-door exercise class will do to satiate he need to free one's energy.

It's not simply the walls of the house that contain you; but the looming cold, wind and dampness that have long been threatening you. Your ears grow deaf to their howls and skin numb to their sting. They can no longer keep the energy that is bound inside of you from bursting forth. It must be freed; at any cost!

With the long-held dominance of the Earthy-season from late winter to spring, the Earth Element gestates the forces of it's opposite Elements: Fire and Air. The seeds that settled and lay dormant in the Arid fall season have now been restored and revived in their long hibernation and the Fires of life are bound and determined to leap forth again. What were the most delicate of seeds in the autumn are bold and daring beings as they break through the most uncomfortable barriers and bear formidable environments; seeking balance once again.

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