Jan 11, 2014

Your Counterpart can be Your Best Compliment

Today was the first of two days I will spend at the Healthy Life Expo in Minneapolis. 7 hours talking about Body-typing goes by so quickly; and it's an absolute pleasure to help people in their next step on their wellness journey.

I'm sure tomorrow will go by just as quickly- especially since I'm speaking on stage in the morning.

But what is this really about? Not to give a report on my day, but to share my gratitude along with, of course, a Body-type insight from what I experienced today.

Opposites tend to attract- that can be seen in many examples from poles of magnets to people in relationships. Whether we realize it or not, we naturally seek balance.

Your Counterpart can be Your Best Compliment - TarasBook.com

My husband and I are a great example of "opposites attract". He's the extrovert, me, not so much. He's athletic with bounding energy; I choose my activities carefully as to not wear myself out. He strikes up conversation; I prefer to listen and occasionally participate. Today was a great example of this.

Today at the expo he was a fun and dynamic promoter for me and my book. I would much rather sit back and address the people who show interest as they approach my booth; he walks around and talks to people and encourages them to talk to me.

He's so fun and engaging, it doesn't seem like people think he's accosting them (as happens routinely at expos). I find it so amusing to watch him strike up conversations and joke with people- getting the tag-alongs (or drag-alongs in some cases) to laugh and smile.

The focus of my first book, You-niversal Self-care is on one's personal health and the food choices and exercises they can do to feel more balanced. In my private coaching I tend to get into the relationship aspects of Body-typing more.

In the case of "opposites attract" there is a lot of benefit of the opposite body-type on another.

What is your Body-type and the Body-types of those closest to you? I bet they they have complimenting characteristics!

In my case today, having someone with me who (in a fun and amusing way) draws people to me and my book is very helpful for someone like me who would rather sit in the sidelines.

I become more outgoing with my husband's example, encouragement, and simply in his fun-loving energy. I feel more confident to speak up and share what I have to offer.

A trusted friend or companion who is an "opposite" and is in a healthy, balanced state can help us to grow in areas we need help in. Especially when working with a Fire-type, the help is not always comfortable, but often very valuable.

Similarly, my Earthy friends help me to feel grounded, which is especially helpful when I have been working a lot. They help to remind me of the value of good companionship, yummy food and nourishing conversation.

Dia-blog Who acts as your opposite and what benefits do they lend to your life?

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