Dec 2, 2013

How Body-types Respond to Work-related Stress

We all have it.

A basic way of responding to stress.

It may be to:

  • "hunker down" and wait for the storm to pass 
  • take action or demand that others do so
  • become anxious by trying to get as much done to "eliminate" the stressors
  • become very emotional, disengage or avoid the stressor
Each type of response correlates to a particular Body-type; respectively, Earth, Fire, Air and Water-types.

These are the shadow side of the body-types; meaning, we could create a more helpful response for the environment.

But we all have our "off-kilter" moments.

How you respond to stress tells you a lot about yourself- and most of all, how to lead a less stressed life.

I have a lot of Air-type tendencies and I can easily get caught in my mental "to-do" list. The mind is the Air-realm. (Not to be confused with imagination which is more Watery.)

Sometimes we need to push-through; like today I am cleaning up our books for a meeting with the bank and year-end. But I did make sure to take a nice break, Cat-asana (AKA Savasana or Relaxation Pose). It was lovely.  :)

My kitty Starry snuggling very close next to me in "Cat-asana".  

How many of you can "peg" the Body-type you most resemble in this simple description?

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