Aug 30, 2010

A Lesson I Learned Through Through Craig's List

The other day I listed a gently used dog house to the "free" section to Craig's List. I was amazed to have takers for this give-away item within a few short minutes of posting it to the website and had to take the post down about 10 minutes later as I figured I had enough people interested who would gladly take this item off my hands and out of my yard.

I received all kinds of responses, " it still available, if so contact me..." "This would be perfect for my son's new dog, please contact me..." "When can I pick it up..." and the one that taught me a Universal lesson, "I'll take it!".

So, how did this turn into a Universal lesson for me? Pretty much anyone who believes in a creator or the concept that we were created here on this planet, believes that God or the Universe (or frankly, whatever you want to call It) that created us also has the ability to provide us with whatever we need, and even what we want. Many of us also believe that this Creator freely gives and wants to give to us, it's just whether we are willing and ready to receive.

So, if my experience of wanting to freely give to those whom are supposedly ready to receive is any corollary to our Creator posting to the Universal Craig's List in the "free" section, my lesson was to say, "I'll take it!". When I got that response I felt and thought right away, "This person is ready and will take this off my hands." Despite the many nice and heart-felt and thought-out responses, no one seemed as willing and ready as the lady who responded, "I'll take it!".

So, from now on, especially when I ask for something (and I still need to ask and procure) when I experience that my request has been filled, I need to respond with, "I'll take it! -thank you very much!".

I could go on, but I'd like to leave some food for thought- what does the Universe think when we respond with, "Is it still available?" "When can I pick it up" (and why is this different from "I'll take it!") or telling a story why this situation is so perfect e.g. "My son got a new dog..." "The city just made it mandatory to have a doghouse for..."?

What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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