Feb 13, 2009

Affordable Face Moisturizer That Works- The Old-Fashioned Way

Like many women I have tried so many kinds of skin care products. I have even spent what could be a small families' weekly grocery budget on skincare systems- no more!- and no more harsh chemicals!

From my years of study, inquiry and personal experimentation, I have gone back to many Old-Time remedies- often which are affordable and effective!

Guys- don't be afraid to try this! My husband uses this as a deoderant (glycerin has a natural hydrophillc tendency- it absorbs moisture, and brings it into/holds it to the skin). The rose scent goes away quite quickly.

Many of our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and so on, likely used Rose water or Rose Glycerin or a combination of these as a face moisturizer, toner, rinse. It has a gentle rose scent, which I found pleasing even though I do not usually care for the scent of rose. The kind that I get comes in a nice bottle that allows one to mist their face, neck and so on.

Within two weeks or less I noticed a definite improvement in clarity of my complexion- so much so that often times I do not wear foundation as a cover-up! When I do, I use the foundation more sparingly than before.

So what's special about Rose water and glycerin? Many lotions contain glycerin as an additive and it is a natural component in naturally made soaps (milk soaps). Glycerin helps the skin to retain moisture. Rose has long been known to have a calming, cooling and moisturizing affect- which makes it especially helpful for those with: rosacea, wind burn, dry skin and constitutions that are generally hot, dry- do you have a fiery personality? For more moisture, simply spritz a couple more times!

Although I have not yet used it in the summer, I bet it would feel great after being out in the heat.

This is the one that I use- you can find it at your local health food store.

So, give it a try!

Yours in Life and Health,

Update: 1/23/14

I've used Rose Water Glycerin for over 5 years now. Here is what else I have learned:

It's a terrific moisturizer for the summer. It's light and refreshing. It also helps calm sun burn!

It's terrific in the winter if you just need a little moisturizing. Perhaps you have naturally moist skin and just need a boost, or just a nice spritz in the middle of the day to balance out the dry air.

I used it on a significant steam-caused burn I got while cooking two days ago. I spritzed my burned finger when I changed out ice-packs and my finger was great the next day. I could do all may normal activities and it did not blister!

This is a great product to have on hand!

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